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Loyalty Scheme


Save when you spend

You can now save money when you spend online with Pearson Glass!

Our Loyalty Scheme rewards anyone that creates an account in our online store when shopping with us, giving you even more reason to get creative at Pearsons Glass!

Discounts are calculated based on your spend on a rolling 12 month period and will be applied at the start of the following month, after you've achieved one of our Loyalty bands below. All values quoted below include VAT. 

We are unable to include certain items in our scheme, such a kilns, grinders, lead came, solder and certain hand and power tools. We have also limited discount on Bullseye Glass products and Roundels. If you have a request for a large quantity in one individual order, please contact a member of our team for a quotation.

For more information regarding our Loyalty Scheme, please call 0151 207 1474 (option 3), and a member of our sales team will be happy to help. Alternatively, please email any enquires you may have to

Don't forget, we also offer free delivery on all standard orders over £40. You can find out more about delivery charges below.

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5% - Bronze

Bronze - 5% Discount

Spend over £1000 in a 12 month rolling period.

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Silver- 10%

Silver - 10% Discount

Spend over £2000 in a 12 month rolling period.

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Gold - 15%

Gold - 15% Discount

Spend over £3000 in a 12 month rolling period.

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Platinum - 20%

Platinum - 20% Discount

Spend over £4000 in a 12 month rolling period.

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